Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Ashtanga yoga (and Eddie Bauer) to the rescue

The kids and dogs and I walked to school in the "brisk" weather, - 20 C or so (and picked them up via a walk at the end of the day, too). On the morning walk I again noted a cold spot on the arm of my new Peak XV down jacket and called Eddie Bauer about it. They exchanged it with no questions asked. Very good service, and now my warmest jacket ever is warm all over, even on my right forearm!

I got worked pretty hard in my Ashtanga Yoga class at the University but I needed it after the "cramping" incident yesterday. The legs are almost back to normal. A nice slow swim tomorrow will be good.

The lecture for tomorrow is fixed up and posted, and the practice exam is ready. Tomorrow I will spend the day before and after class working on various research projects. When are we going to invent a 48 hour day so I can get more done?

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